Dylan tuskin tunsi Sandemosen Janten lakia, mutta kuvaa sen silti suvereenisti laulussaan Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35. Ihmisten ongelmat ovat yleismaailmallisia. Janten laki oli muuten Kalervo Palsan huoneentauluna. Aivan samoin se olisi voinut olla esimerkiksi Pellon kivittämän Timo K. Mukan huoneentauluna.  Parin viskin jälkeen muistelen, että Paasilinna taisi puhua Mukka-kirjassaan Sandemosesta. Saatan muistaa väärin. Täytyy tarkistaa aamulla.

Janten lain säännöt:

  1. Älä luule, että sinä olet jotain.
  2. Älä luule, että olet yhtä paljon kuin me.
  3. Älä luule että olet viisaampi kuin me.
  4. Älä kuvittele, että olet parempi kuin me.
  5. Älä luule, että tiedät enemmän kuin me.
  6. Älä luule, että olet enemmän kuin me.
  7. Älä luule, että sinä kelpaat johonkin.
  8. Älä naura meille.
  9. Älä luule, että kukaan välittää sinusta.
  10. Älä luule, että voit opettaa meille jotakin.

Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35 sanat:

Well, they'll stone ya when you're trying to be so good,
They'll stone ya just a-like they said they would.
They'll stone ya when you're tryin' to go home.
Then they'll stone ya when you're there all alone.
But I would not feel so all alone,
Everybody must get stoned.

Well, they'll stone ya when you're walkin' 'long the street.
They'll stone ya when you're tryin' to keep your seat.
They'll stone ya when you're walkin' on the floor.
They'll stone ya when you're walkin' to the door.
But I would not feel so all alone,
Everybody must get stoned.

They'll stone ya when you're at the breakfast table.
They'll stone ya when you are young and able.
They'll stone ya when you're tryin' to make a buck.
They'll stone ya and then they'll say, "good luck."
Tell ya what, I would not feel so all alone,
Everybody must get stoned.

Well, they'll stone you and say that it's the end.
Then they'll stone you and then they'll come back again.
They'll stone you when you're riding in your car.
They'll stone you when you're playing your guitar.
Yes, but I would not feel so all alone,
Everybody must get stoned.

Well, they'll stone you when you walk all alone.
They'll stone you when you are walking home.
They'll stone you and then say you are brave.
They'll stone you when you are set down in your grave.
But I would not feel so all alone,
Everybody must get stoned.